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California Northstate University (CNU)

Non-traditional students And their Partners (NAP)

Because who couldn't use a nap?

Mission Statement

The mission of California Northstate University (CNU) “Non-traditional students And their Partners (NAP)” is to create a forum for students who have a non-traditional background (work experience, age, marital/family status, and/or personal affinities and preferences) and their partners (romantic partners, spouses, children, and/or other supporters). CNU NAP’s primary goals are to:

- Foster connections between non-traditional students and their partners to facilitate mutual support.

- Advocate on behalf of non-traditional students and raise awareness of the challenges faced by their community.

- Welcome incoming non-traditional students and connect them to local resources (housing/neighborhood research, childcare options, etc).

Contact Information

Dr. Floyd Culler (Faculty Adviser):; 916-686-7300 ext. 115

Dr. Anji Khan (Faculty Adviser):; 916-686-7300 ext. 171

TBD (College of Health Sciences Co-President)

Chris Shim (College of Medicine Co-President):; 202-251-7592

Anhao Sam (College of Pharmacy Co-President)

Dan Thu Nguyen (Secretary-Treasurer):; 760-500-2086


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